Thursday, November 17, 2011

On the eve of the revolution. It has already started. Occupy Wall Street. Voices damned to be heard. A singularity. The lie has been exposed and it is ugly. We want beauty and are demanding it. It is our revolution, perhaps an continuation from the first. We revolted because of taxes. As citizens of the British empire, it was unfair to be taxed without representation. The same thing is happening now! The politicians who are public servants are in essence, servants to private interests and big business whose sole purpose is to keep the majority of the populace as wage slaves, intoxicated by reality TV, fast food and sports. It is a diversion, a way to dilute the truth. It is horrific, yet we can find redemption. If we only realized our own power, that we have the capability to disengage from the system and let it suffocate on its own offal.
Our voices are being heard. In thought and conscious. We feel it is the right thing, that it must begin somewhere. And as it grows, solidifies, it will become a force to reckon with. It is a beautiful thing.

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