Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Angel Returns and the Sword is Sharp

It has been too long. much too long. I apologize. So sorry. And the beat goes on. Now I continue where I left off. Subjects that roll off my fingertips. My goal is to empower the reader as I empower myself. Most of the time I have these weird, amazing and sometimes strange thoughts that I would like to share. Perhaps you have felt the same way and can identify what I may share. If so, then I feel redeemed. This will not be a journal, but rather a reflection.
We are living interesting times indeed. We are nearing a revolution of sorts. It has started internally, now that we are sharing our voices, wanting to be heard. It is a beautiful thing. The old guard is dying. It is time for the regime to be replaced with our voice, our intellect, our hearts beating as one.
Let me say this, fortune favors the bold, which means I shall contribute on a continual basis, as this is our revolution, I shall devote myself to it.
Thank you for your faith and support.

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