Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Blood on my Hands

This is mythos. An alternative reality they say. But you didn't hear it from me.
So you think that ghosts and fairies, ghouls, monsters, sirens, werewolves, the bloodied undead, zombies with a conscious, relic saints and devout sinners and lost angels don't exist. Yet I have evidence otherwise. Do you really trust your faith, or you parrot what you have been told by others. Do believe in what cannot be proven by the scientific community? Are you will to take an extraordinary chance, bet against all odds, go for broke, throw the dice one more time?
That's it! I knew you could. Why? Because you hunger, like we all do for something more. Something wicked and sublime, yet touching, even uplifting. A taste of supreme pleasure without guilt, a bit exotic, but comforting and familiar. We want it all. In small doses. Too much enthralls the senses and overwhelms our judgement. Let's keep it in check, shall we?
You would be surprised to discover that this very world is within reach. Closer than you think.  Just a click away.
Our hero, Jake Stewart is vying for forgiveness from the almighty, as he ferry's the unwanted and unclean to an uncertain fate. Let the Furies decide. He is without cause, but for the grace of God, that would be himself escorted to the shores of the otherworld, the wretched dregs of the afterlife.
They do not go willingly. But Jake has a power, gifted by an ancient god, that overpowers even the most putrid and stained.
He straddles two worlds. It is tightrope where the slightest slip lands one in purgatory. And there is no escape.
But not all is lost or dire. He has friends and allies in our world. The three dimensional one we take for granted.
One is Diana Lancaster. Of Chicago finest. She has the innate ability to peer into the otherworld. Or rather, it uses her as a conduit. The departed, both recent and delayed come to her for council and release. It is gift that she has not completely come to grips with. She tolerates their intrusion. And the talent exceeds her understanding. She is called the Gatekeeper. She likens it to a conductor on a train asking for one's ticket. This trip, of course, is one way.
Another is Madison Stewart, Jake's niece. Maddy is more talented than she knows. The lead singer of Forsaken Sanctuary, finds fans and groupies of all ages. They love to hear her emote what they most want to feel. Her voice also invokes entities and creatures not of this earth. They also flock to Maddy to hear her sing. Dare I say she is a Muse incarnated? And such beauty is bound to such a young and tender young woman.
We all seek answers to questions alike.
We desire mystery and the unknown.
We want our secrets kept, but others shared.
And there is usually a little stain within us all.
A little blood on our hands.
With all the washing and scrubbing won't come out.
But let us not like our famous Scottish lady, drives us to madness, but rather to illumination.

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