Saturday, November 2, 2013

Autumn leaves fall towards the eventuality of winter. We reap the harvest that was sown in spring. Summer's sun kissed the soil and Gaia's children. Days grow shorter. Nights lengthen. It is the way of things, and have been celebrated, mourned, feared and rejoiced for ages beyond our collective memory.   The poet's voice once the foundation of our tribal hopes and tears has been muted.
Technology has robbed part of our humanity. Dependence on its ease has depleted instinct and natural resource. Imagine being lost in a dense wood without a smart-phone to point the way. Could you do it? Question this to yourself. Be honest.
I have chosen exile for too long. My shadow guides me through the dreamworld, humbling my ego, and the fears that bind me. Now that the chains are shattered and the shackles broken, I am free. Free from the tyranny of fear and restraint. Free from superstition and mindless routine. Free from plagues of doubt and worry. I call out to the glory of the divine to fill my heart with love and courage. I scream to the heavens to fill my soul with mission and purpose. I cry to myself- to be true to my calling, my gift, my imprint onto the world.
Shall this be the winter of my discontent? Destroy the illusions that have encased me into mediocrity? Yes, the revolution starts now, within.
I cast out the demons that have misguided my intentions. I become a champion for myself.
A champion for true freedom and endless liberty.
It is within us all.
I declare these words for us all.
I am a voice of many. I am a poet, a singer of songs. I shall enlighten the world with my words. This may be bold and proud, but is my declaration.
If I stand alone, so be it.
But join me if you can. Reconcile with your shadow, integrate that part of you as whole. As it is.
I will speak for us with words, using stories, fables and verse.
This is my Gift. My purpose.
So shall it be.

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