Sunday, October 5, 2008

In these pensive times, we are a way point of self-determination and self-actualization to an affirmation to all what has transpired the last eight years.  Is anyone actually happy at the lack of progress our nation has made?  The USA used to be the coolest nation and now we have shot ourselves in the foot with conspiratorial greed and manipulation.  We are in a war that no one really wants (other than the no-bid contract companies) and are losing the sense of righteousness that was so easily ours.  We used to be the good guys.  Now, a bloated remnants of what was, stuffed with gluttony, pride and greed.  There once was a sense of pride that one could feel in each city and state.  Fragmented, most care more of the winner of American Idol than the person who will represent us as president.  What happened?  Apathy for one, as we have become slaves to the illusion of fame.  It is not the Horatio Alger story that captures the imagination, or the strength of purpose, as in. "Letter to Garcia."  No, it is now the instant lottery winner, the easy pay-off, the sense of entitlement that everyone deserves to be a star, regardless if they are talented or not.  And it is this folly and reasoning that we have fallen from the status of champion.  Open your eyes people.  The sky is falling and chicken little has run away.  Answer this: at what point will you ask yourself, "enough already?"  When are we going to demand that our political leaders actually answer to their mistakes.  When are we going to force them to acquiesce to our demands.  Remember reader, this nation is of the people, by the people, and for the people.  Don't let the fantasy of TV take away your sense of freedom and liberty.  United we are strong.  United with faith, we are invincible.  The Revolution is closer than you think.  

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